“30 Days to Yelling Less Project” Round 3! Sign up by Sunday, June 2nd at 5:00 E.S.T.

NOTE: I am so glad that you have found this blog post! I have CLOSED registration for this Project. Please join my Facebook Page at www.facebook.com/TheOrangeRhino or follow my blog to see when I lead another one. Thank you for your interest and best of luck on your journey to yelling less! 

Many of you have asked me to lead another “30 Days to Yelling Less Project.” Oh have I been wanting to but the timing just hasn’t been right. Well now is the time! School is about to get out for many of our children, which means more time spent together and more opportunities to have fun together and more opportunities to practice not yelling! I for one know that I love the summer but that all the togetherness can be overwhelming at times; this is the perfect time for me to look at my own triggers again and set myself up for a “Yell Less, Love More” summer!

Here are the details about “The Orange Rhino’s 30 Days to Yelling Less Project.”

When I first decided to commit to 365 days straight of not yelling I was overwhelmed. How on earth was I going to do just that? I didn’t know how to not yell, it had been a crutch for years; it was my go to! All I knew was that I truly, deeply wanted to stop yelling and that I needed support to do so. In the first few weeks, I found success not only with the help of The Orange Rhino™ Community but also in a few particular steps that I took, unknowingly. These steps, along with the support of others, helped me to get through day 1, and then day 5, day 10, day 30 all the way until day 365.

I know that many of you want to start The Challenge of committing to yell less but are intimidated by the enormity of it, by the stress of it, by the sheer commitment to it. I know many of you, like me, don’t know where to start!

So let me break it down for you. Let me help get you going on The Orange Rhino Challenge™ by walking you through the steps I took in the early stages. Let me spread it out over 30 days and help you YELL LESS AND LOVE MORE™. Let me lead you through my 3rd “30 Days to Yelling Less and Loving More Project.”


  • TIMING: The first day is this MONDAY, JUNE 3, 2013. The 30th day is Tuesday, July 2nd 
  •  SIGN UP: Sign up BY SUNDAY, JUNE 2nd at 5:00 EST — SIGN UP IS NOW CLOSED. 

Please note: If you have emailed me prior to May 29, 2013 about this challenge, you are all signed up! Read below for details, but you do not need to click on the above link and re-subscribe; all you have to do is get excited.

To ensure that you get the most out of the 30 days, I cannot take names after this date. I am so sorry – I want to set everyone up for as much success as possible and starting on Day 1 matters. If you do miss the deadline though, please do join the FB community at www.Facebook.com/TheOrangeRhino for tips, support, and news about a fall Challenge.

  • Every weekday morning (EST), and weekends when appropriate, I will email all participants inspirational quotes, thoughts/goals and actions for the day, for example, Day 1: Think about what moment made you realize you needed to stop yelling.
  • The 30 days are broken down into approximately 10 days of preparation/practice and 20 days of yelling less. I want everyone to feel successful – we all have enough stress on our plates to feel otherwise from this effort! The first 10 days are there to set everyone up for as much success and positive feelings as possible!


  • I encourage you to join our Facebook page www.Facebook.com/TheOrangeRhino so that you can share about your successes and get support from others. I also encourage you to write in the private blog posts included in the daily emails. Sharing is the key part – this is where we can all learn from each other and support each other. Most likely, this is where you will realize you are NOT ALONE.
  • As this is only the 3rd time I have ever done this (and as I am NOT a professional,) we will adjust how I help you accordingly!

The simple part is how this will work. The hard part is well, the work; it’s challenging ourselves to change. It’s accepting that you might have to look deep at yourself, not your kids, to stop yelling. Or more eloquently put:

“When we are no longer able to change a situation – we are challenged to change ourselves.”
~Viktor E. Frankl

Or as one of my favorite authors said:

“Things do not change; we change.”
~ Henry David Thoreau

Change is hard. It can be scary and intimidating. And changing a bad habit can be an out right pain the a*s. But this change is worth it. The upside is enormous: a more peaceful life, less mama guilt, a stronger, more trusting and loving relationship with your kids, greater self awareness, a lighter heart, or the list goes on and on. But don’t let me tell you what I’ve gained, go gain it all for yourself and tell me about how you are YELLING LESS AND LOVING MORE on July 2nd, 2013.

Am I an expert who knows what the heck she is doing with this idea? NOPE. (Let me make sure I spelled that right. N.O.P.E.) But I am going to try my hardest to share with you what I did and break down learning not to yell into really easy, simple, steps. And I am going to keep all my fingers and toes crossed that it helps you!


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33 thoughts on ““30 Days to Yelling Less Project” Round 3! Sign up by Sunday, June 2nd at 5:00 E.S.T.

  1. I’m starting today! The only blog I have ever posted on, but have to come clean; This is the little bit of support I was looking for. I’m not sure about joining you on Facebook however… Just don’t know if I want my whole world knowing my ups and downs like that. This is hard enough as it is. I don’t think I yell all that much, not compared to how much my parents yelled. I always said I would NEVER yell like that. I majored in Early Childhood, second major in Family Science, I grew and learned as I worked with other people’s families for 20 year before having my own kids – now imagine my disappointment when I find myself losing it because my 3 yr old took the very last muffin in the house and spread it all over the playroom floor – after I made him and his sister the most amazing breakfast, after I explained with total respect and kindness that this was “mommy’s important muffin, please don’t touch it”; after I worked my way through the flu the last two days (never once slacking on my mommy duties), and it was THAT muffin that I was really looking forward to, it was the one that was going to make me feel nourished and ready for a new day. I totally flipped out! The neighbors called the cops. Everyone around me, myself included, thinks I’m a bad mom. I said mean things. I felt like fighting back… they take and take and no one cares about me! I had a full on tantrum! We have a small neighborhood and I’m ashamed to leave my front door now. Now there is a big orange Rhino in my house! It’s on! no more yelling, it dose not solve anything. But I have to say, the yelling usually, for me, feels very primal, my inner animal screaming that “I am a person too.”

  2. Not sure you can correct it or not but Victor Frankl’s name is misspelled in your quote. There is no “y” on the end of his name. I only make a fuss because he is a HUGE inspiration and very respected in certain circles.

  3. So excited and a bit nervous. We yell way too much and I am looking forward to finding a new and much better way to get my kiddos to listen to me. Fingers crossed:)

  4. Just signed up. School has been out for over a week now and we are nearing the end of the deployment and my husbands return. One word Stressful!!!!! So excited to start as I go in spurts, but the more stress I am under I tend to yell more at the little things.

  5. I’m excited this is a great deal for me, I have 4 kids. I have a habit if yelling sometimes and than they think can yell because I did it.

  6. I don’t yell, I snip. My son calls it yelling so it’s yelling. Clearly it’s not warm, not loving and not what I want to do. I’m tired of the tummy ache at night that I get sometimes (he does snip first sometimes, I tell myself…oh yeah, he’s 7 and he learned it from ME) Thanks for this, I’ll be signing up to reduce the snip!

  7. My ‘kids’ are over 30, but I sooo love this idea. I very rarely yelled at my boys when they were little. I am a non-yeller and a non-arguer. I think it has helped my boys know that arguing with me about anything never worked. The rules, boundaries, whatever you choose to call them…did not change because of whining or force of any kind. If the rules needed to be changed…discussions were helpful for future decisions. My guys are mature and responsible today!!

  8. my youngest (of 4) is a yeller.mmmmm I wonder where he learned it?
    Im going to ask him (challenge) him to do this with me…..have a great summer everyone

  9. I’m so excited for this challenge! I’ve been beating myself up for months for being a yeller, I’m so ready to change!!!

  10. I’m not a terribly frequent yeller, but often respond when getting aggravated with harsh tones and quick, clipped responses. Don’t get me wrong, I’ve been known to raise my voice, but I’m hoping by signing up, I’ll help myself become better at staying calm and not letting my buttons get pushed. Do you think the challenge is appropriate for me, even though I’m not really a “yeller”, per say? Thanks!

  11. Just signed up and really excited.

    Also, wanted to ask . . . I’m a blogger myself — is there any kind of issue with me blogging on my site about my experience going through this challenge? I don’t want to step on any toes . . .

    Seriously, so excited. Just found this page a few days ago for the first time, and came back today after a particularly angry morning (on my part) that ended with yelling. Perfect timing.


  12. I’ve signed up! I could definitely do with a reboot. This last week has been stressful and I have nearly snapped a couple of times and only just caught myself. I really need to get back to basics and focus. I will probably have to start the challenge on the 4th because I’m in Australia and we are early, hope that’s ok 🙂

  13. Thanks for starting this up again! Is there a 30 Day Challenge button we can add to our sites? Maybe you could make different levels–30, 60, 6 mo, etc. and we could level up as we hit each mark (kind of like AA tokens)?

  14. This is something I’ve always worked my hardest at doing and this will just help me to take a look at the big picture and try harder

  15. I can’t wait to really get started on the Orange Rhino challenge! Thanks for the timing, my oldest (7) will start being home all the time on the 5th… and that is truly a trigger for me! Thank you for sharing!

  16. I am looking very forward to this challenge. You blog has come to me at just the right time…when I feel as if everything in my life, including me, is coming unravaled.

  17. This is going to be an extremely hard month to start this (teacher going into the last month of school) but I want to try it out. Really. So, here’s the first step!! 🙂 Thanks!

  18. After a spectacularly bad first day FAIL, your timing with this challenge couldn’t be better. A more gentle, committed approach with preparation sounds great. I’m in.
    Thank you! I’ve found your story to be an inspiration.

  19. We yell WAY to much in my house. We all yell at each other and I think the kids are learning it from the grown ups (aka “big kids with money” – according to my money de

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